2月20日から毎週土曜日の夜、アメリカの姉妹校Miss Porter’s School主催のグローバル・セミナー・シリーズの第3回目、テーマ「Social Media」に本校の高校生8名が参加しました。世界中から約60名の女子高校生がオンライン上で集まりました。自分がいかにスマホに依存しているかのデータ分析を行い、専門家の話を聴いてネット広告のからくりを知り、グループで実際に効果的な広告案を作成したり、SNS依存をやめさせるアプリの提案をしたりと充実した4週間でした。参加した生徒の感想を紹介します。
This program was full of inspiring discussions not only for my English language skills but also for dealing with real social issues. I’ve never thought of social media in a way of making people addictive even though it has been obviously affecting my life. It’s not a hidden problem, but we’re too used to living “online” to be conscious about it, especially among young generations. Looking back on my daily routine, it was really surprising to know how vast amount of time I spend on social media a day.
Preparing a pitch with students from all over the world was also a great experience. At first, I was hesitant to let out my opinion as I was scared of making mistakes in English. Through the process of communicating with other students, my anxiety toward English language became smaller and smaller, and I could eventually join meaningful profound discussions with the group members.
One of the difficulties I had during the session was thinking creatively. We had to come up with some unique stimulating ideas. Investigating many sources for the presentation, I realized that being creative means being aware of the phenomenon which we take it for granted in everyday life. Surprisingly, we tap to open social media apps unconsciously for more than 100 times a day on average. Thinking WHY and HOW we come to do this act is the very key to find solutions to problems caused by social media.
Over all, it made me think of a healthy lifestyle with social media as well as the importance of conveying our ideas to the society from teenagers. I would love to have more discussions with people around the world about social issues.
(Grade 10, M.S.)
(高1 K.Y.)